The Complete iOS 7 Course - Learn by Building 14 Apps - coupon free 100%


Our iOS Bootcamp teaches the tools needed to develop iPhone and iPad applications for iOS7. Along our journey, we will learn the syntax of Objective-C, the language used to develop for iOS, as well as important design patterns and best practices. By the end of the course, you should be able to understand and recreate many of the features seen on popular iOS applications and extend that knowledge to making apps of your own.
We believe students learn by building. That's why we have you build 14 apps during the course, with the final app being a full featured dating app: A Tinder Clone!
Topics Covered:
  • Objective-C: Learn the language used to develop all native iOS and Mac apps
  • Parse: A revolutionary new tool that allows iOS developers to create a server side in Objective-C
  • iOS7 and XCode 5: Learn the latest technology platforms from Apple
  • API Integration: Connect with third party APIs like Facebook, Foursquare and more
  • Storyboard: Learn how to create beautiful interfaces using Apple’s graphical interface builder
  • Core Data: Store data on your device with the core data database
  • Git: Learn how to us Git for version control and collaboration
  • Mixpanel: Integrate analytics into your apps
"I must say that so far, this course is awesome. Having the challenging assignments, daily discussions and feedback from the instructors, has been the missing piece that I have been looking for. I have read a handful of books, watched hours of video & typed in a bunch of tutorials, and finally, having to work through tough assignments and applying what I have been learning, it is all starting to click - Finally!" - Mark S.
“Code Coalition's discussion board is one of the best resources for a beginning iOS developer. So much help being offered” - Omar S.
“I've just completed the iOS101 course, which I thought was a great intro to the XCode environment... I feel it's been well worth the investment. ” - Herdy H.
"Wow, @CodeCoalition! Moving quickly! Week 2 is so different than week 1...and I like it :) Thnx for the challenge" - Melissa B.
“Just discovered @CodeCoalition! An excellent resource for anyone who wants to make their first iPhone app.” -Novall K.
“Can't reiterate it enough how this course is helping me with my iOS dev skills. I think using protocols and delegation is finally becoming second nature. Fingers crossed :-)” -Alex P.
“I am really loving the class. I have taken classes at Code School & Treehouse and both were missing a key element. The ability to ask questions as you complete a section and get an answer. “ -Lisa A.
“Your training is the best out there so far. I wish I had the time away from regular job to follow along.” -Christian S.
“Im loving this.. I have been through at least 5 books, and many online deals. Yours is super so far. Finally, i can get from start to finish on a lesson without wondering why on "Everything" thank youCant wait to do more.. “ -Kevin R.
Why take this course and how much time does it take to complete?
iOS development, and software development as a whole, is a booming career. The demand for new developers at all levels far outweighs the supply. Barrier to entry is not as high as one would think - though passion and hard work are necessary, a degree in computer science or any other technical field is not required.
We aim to take you from complete beginner to junior developer in three months. The apps you create in this course can be used on your portfolio so you have something to show when you apply for jobs.
Course Outline:
  1. Introduction to XCode
  2. Control Flow and Enumeration
  3. What is Object Oriented Programming
  4. Memory Allocation
  5. Methods
  6. Properties
  7. Foundation
  8. Model View Controller
  9. Common Classes and Features
  10. Drawing and Graphics
  11. Core Data
  12. API’s
  13. Source Control

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